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 Your  support 
    makes a difference! 

$15 will pay for a birth certificate that a child needs to enroll in school

$25 will buy new shoes for a child.

$50 will buy snacks for an after-school program.

$100 will buy new books for a classroom.

$500 will pay for a field trip for 50 children to a college/career experience.

$1000 will cover 80 hours of support services for a child suffering from a traumatic experience.

CashApp: $JegnaKlub


Mail a check to:

The Jegna Klub

11936 W 119th Street, Suite 188

Overland Park, KS 66213-2216


Electronic Funds Transfer:

To help you arrange a transfer of funds from your checking account to ours, call (913) 721-6570.


Matching Gifts:

If your company has a matching gift program, you may be able to double the value of your donation. Ask your HR department for a matching gift form and mail it to us along with your check. Over 150 companies in the KC metro area have matching gift programs! Many will also match the gifts of retirees, spouses, or surviving spouses.


Memorials & Honorariums:

Make a gift in memory of a loved one or honor a friend or family member on a special occasion. Just send a note along with your check with the honored one's name & address and the date & kind of occasion. We'll send them a card or letter to let them know you sent a gift in their name (the amount of the gift is not disclosed). For other arrangements, call (913) 721-6570.


Special Events:

Buy a ticket or become a sponsor for one of our annual fundraising events.


Other Options:


  • Stocks or Securities: Gifts of stock or marketable securities can give you a needed tax break and help us provide needed services to low-income children. Contact your stockbroker or call

  • Bequests & Planned Giving: Please consider making a bequest of money, securities, or property in your will or living trust. To learn more, call (913) 721-6570.


United Way:

The Jegna Klub is soon to be a United Way agency. Your United Way contributions will be able to help us too. You will be able to direct your funds to the Community Care general campaign or name one or more non-profits to receive your gift. For more information, contact your local United Way office.


Donate Now

Help us make a difference


Thank you for your donation!

The Jegna Klub is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. We could not meet the many needs of youth and families if it weren't for the generosity of community members throughout the metro area. Monetary gifts are tax-deductible and any amount is welcome and appreciated!

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